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Create executable "jar" files on CMD

Hi, Im Ji-nun !

I let you know how to create executable "jar" files on CMD(console) on this post

Not on IDE like Eclipse.

In my case, I don't use a developing environment like Eclipse when writing a simple java program,

but I use a simple text editor like Sublime Text.

It will be easy to create "jar" files by IDE, but I try it on CMD(console)

1. Compile your program

I moved files to "C:\Java" for easy to compile.

In my case, Includes that external library "json_simple-1.1.jar" for use JSON.

- Client source for use console

- Client source for use GUI

- Server source for use GUI

I packaged it because I wrote the sources in various ways.

2. Create "jar"

Before create "jar", let's find out about "jar" and "jar's options".

|| jar : Abbreviation of Java Archive. It is the package file format for publish application software or library on Java platform by tie             a bunch of Java class files, associative metadata and resources(text, image) together in one file.

(source: Wikipedia-Kor https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAR_(%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%BC_%ED%8F%AC%EB%A7%B7)

|| Options : 



 Create new archive


 Change to designated directory and include next file


 List contents about archive


 Extract named(or all) files in archive


 Update existing archive


 Assign file name of archive


 Generate verbose output for standard output


 Contains evidence from specified proof file


 Only save and do not use zip compression


 Do not create proof file for the entry


 Generates index information for the specified jar file

(source: (KOR) http://ra2kstar.tistory.com/125)

I use 4 options c, v, m, f.

>jar  -cvmf  Manifest.txt  Server.jar  test\server\*.class  json_simple-1.1.jar

                [proof file]   [file name]       [class file]      [external library]

Include proof information from designated proof file and named archive file with create new archive.

And make generate detailed information output about standard output.

[Proof file] - You can write anything for this text file.

If you don't have external library, you just write Main-Class: test.server.ServerGUI in Manifest.txt.

The reason of create Manifest file is "main()" function has to specify the position in which class it is in.

I designate files for package, so add "test.server." in front of "ServerGUI".

I create Manifest and specified main class.

Then I got no problems with create "jar" file but I got an error.

-Error occurred about can't find main class

C:\Java>java -jar Server.jar

Server.jar does not have a default Manifest property.

Someone occurred like this error, write main class like "Main-Class: test.server.ServerGUI" and hit the return key for make blank.

(It can't recognize that if there are no blank)

And if you have included external library, you can use "Class-Path: json_simple-1.1.jar" in Manifest.txt file.

Maybe error message is coming to you If you included external library without write "Class-Path"

like this Exception in thread main java.lang.noclassdeffounderror

[File name]

Write what ever you want.

[Class file]

If you want all class files, just write "*.class"

[External library or more add file]

Write file name.

If you progressed right way, you can see those outputs.

3. Execute "jar' file

CMD(명령 프롬포트)에 >java -jar Server.jar를 입력합니다.

Input >java -jar Server.jar on CMD

This post is end here

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It will really helpful to me.

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